I have been playing "Battlefied 3" lately and I love the game, specially "Rush" one of the multiplayer modes. That's why I decided to make a 2D replica of the Rush mode on BF3.
In this mode of BF3 basically you have to plant a bomb on the MCOMM stations without being killed if you play as an attacker, or prevent the attacker from doing so if you play as a defender.
In my 2D replica I made some simplifications, the game is single player and you can only play as attacker. To plant the bomb simply stay on top of the MCOMM (yellow circles) until a red ring starts flashing.
To play use arrows and mouse, left click to shoot. After some time dead enemies will reappear on the top right corner. Click on the image to play:
The result is not as funny as I thought at first. Moreover it is not even finished as the defenders do not try to dismantle the bomb. I hope to update it soon.